Hope®, Philodendron


Philodendrons are great plants for tropical effects in the garden.  Philodendron  is one of the group known as 'self hearders'.  This means that  Hope  does not scramble or climb.  In frost free areas Hope will at all times look good.  The tidy growing habit of  Hope is one of its key benefits.  It was chosen for its dwarfness and compact growth in comparison to other self heading philodendrons.  Once established Hope  is trouble free and a no-nonsense easy care plant for the gardens of today.

Plant Useage

Hope is very fast to reach its mature size and has an abundance of beautiful glossy leaves.  A very bushy variety that is suitable for use in the garden.  Hope makes an elegant display in a pot, or mass plant in gardens for a lush tropical effect.  In cooler climates, use on patios or in sunrooms.

Growing Conditions

Hope can be grown in full sun but also in partial to fully shaded areas.  In tropical foliage gardens Hope will be a welcome addition.  As a garden plant one could expect Hope  to grow to 1.5 metres in height and 1 metre in width in about 5 years.  It could be kept to this height and width with occasional pruning.  As a garden plant Hope can be used in areas where other philodendrons have proved to be successful.  As a pot plant Hope is ideal for patios, balconies or terraces and steps.  The pot needs to be fairly large and water regularly.  As cut foliage the leaves of  Hope last extremely well in water.

Plant Care

In the 6 years we have had Philodendron Hope growing we have not seen any adverse effects from insect or fungus problems on the plants.  Regular fertilising in Spring, Summer and Autumn is necessary in soil with low fertility.  Mulching to conserve moisture is beneficial.