Sheena's Minigoldpbr, Duranta


Sheena's Minigoldpbr is a thornless dwarf  variety. This is the plant for the lazy gardener who wants a low formal hedge around their garden, easy to grow and care for. Currently there are 'five' selections in the 'Sheena's family.  They are excellent for all commercial landscapes, roadside plantings and in home gardens.

Growing Conditions

Sheena's Minigoldpbr makes an ideal hedge.  Sheena's Minigoldpbr will grow to a height of 0.6m and a width of 0.6m.Plant together with other members of the sheena's family - Sheena's Goldtm - gold foliage), Sheena' Limeglow pbr (lime/green foliage), Sheena's Greenpbr  (dark green foliage).

Plant Care

Once established your Sheena's will withstand dry periods and will grow even in poorer soils as long as the drainage is good.  Naturally they will grow better in fertile soils that do not dry out too much.  Mulching to conserve moisture is beneficial.  Pruning can be done at any time of the year.  If for any reason it is necessary to move your Sheena's, it is best to prune hard at the time of moving.  Prune to maintain desired shape.